About Manny

Manny Patel Jnr is a London-bred and internationally-cherished personality, famous for his unique flavour of party-starting (and party-smashing) DJing. During his signature parties, he's known to drop the hottest, the quirkiest, the smartest feel-good music that always gets the crowd on their feet (and often on the tables).

His talents do not stop with music—in the past he has managed talent and promotions for Paramount Pictures, run conventions and premieres for Star Trek, put on some of London and . . . Read more about Manny »

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Over 11,000 Views in 24 hours!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1 comments

Thank you to everyone that watched my new 'Bad Romance to Glee' Music Video!

It's also featured on the Official Fox You Tube page!


I have been told that if I can speak to Lady Gaga's people then I can do more with this video.

Right now I am just on a high with the massive fan support as it took 3 years to get 12,000 hits on my Ugly Betty video!

I will be making a Glee Megamix to all the characters just like the video below....

Thanks again and enjoy!

Manny :)

Bad Romance to Glee

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 0 comments